Tricentis Tosca 16.0 Released on Feb-2023 ----- UFT has been upgraded from UFT 15.0.1 to UFT One 15.0.2, Beginning at November 2020.

Friday, 29 March 2019

WebTabStrip Object

A tab strip control in a Web page or application.

Common Method CaptureBitmapSaves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image, depending on the specified file extension.
Common Method CheckChecks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value.
Common Method CheckPropertyChecks whether the specified object property achieves the specified value within the specified timeout.
Common Method ChildObjectsReturns the collection of child objects contained within the object.
Method ClickClicks the object.
Method DoubleClickClicks on the object twice.
Method DragPerforms the 'drag' part of a drag and drop operation.
Method DropPerforms the 'drop' part of a drag and drop operation.
Method FireEventTriggers an event.
Common Method GetROPropertyReturns the current value of the specified description properties from the object in the application.
Common Method GetTOPropertiesReturns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.
Common Method GetTOPropertyReturns the value of the specified description properties from the test object description.
Method HoverTapWhen hover is supported, places the pointer on the object. Otherwise, taps the object.
Method LongPressPresses and holds the object.
Method MiddleClickMiddle-clicks the object.
Common Method OutputRetrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location.
Method PanPerform a pan gesture.
Method PinchPerform a pinch gesture.
Common Method RefreshObjectInstructs UFT to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object.
Method RightClickRight-clicks the object.
Method SelectSelect the Tab.
Common Method SetTOPropertySets the value of the specified description properties in the test object description.
Method SubmitSubmits a form.
Method SwipeSwipes the object.
Common Method ToStringReturns a string that represents the current test object.
Common Method WaitPropertyWaits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.