Buffer is to refer to values that can be temporarily saved in Tosca Commander and then used again. These can be either static or dynamic.
(Buffer stores values during test execution)
Syntax - {B[BufferName]}
Syntax to create during Verification - {XB[BufferName]}
Buffer can be create by selecting teststep ActionMode as "Buffer"
There are three different ways to buffer values in Tosca:
- The values of controls can be read or verified and written into the Settings dialog as a buffer. The ActionMode Buffer is used for this purpose.
- Test data management uses its own syntax to buffer values in a database or to use values from the database.
- Values are buffered in a test configuration parameter. These is a specific syntax for using values stored in the test configuration parameter.
Tosca provide 4 standard modules to work with buffer, which are available in Buffer standard module.
- TBox Set Buffer - Create buffer with value assignment.
- TBox Name to Buffer - Store testcase name to Buffer.
- TBox Partial Buffer - Extract partial text.
- TBox Delete Buffer - Delete buffer
How do I buffer a value ?
To buffer a value from a test object, you'll need to do two things.
- A Buffer name must be specified as a value of the control to be streered.
- Buffer is selected as the ActionMode.