It consists of four main componenets.
Tosca Commander - It is one of the essential parts of this tool for developing, managing and analysing test cases. It administers the test cases in the workspace.
Tosca Executor - The Tosca test executor executes test cases that have been developed on SUT (System Under Test).Commander is the middleware between the Test Repository and Tosca Executor, Which forwards test cases from the Test Repository to the Test Executor.
Tosca XScan(Tosca Wizard) - XScan scans input fields on the screen and saves them as modules for Tosca Commander. Technical information is included in these modules in order to identify and direct screen elements.
Test Repository/Common Repository - This is where complete workspaces are stored like test objects, test cases, etc.. The test repository is necessary, In Order to work several or user tester at the same time.