Tricentis Tosca 16.0 Released on Feb-2023 ----- UFT has been upgraded from UFT 15.0.1 to UFT One 15.0.2, Beginning at November 2020.

Monday 22 April 2019


1. What is Synchronization.....?

When we run a script, the application may not respond with the same speed of script. Synchronization is the process of adjusting the time gap between Script speed and  Application speed.

2. How Synchronization Concept was implemented in your Project..... ?

We have used all the synchronization techniques in our project.

Synchronization Point:  We have used wait property for some of the situations where we have waited for the property values.

Wait:  We have used wait statement in some of the situations where we are not waiting for any object property/object. but we are waiting for data.

Exist:  We have used it for checking object existence.

Object Synchronization TimeOut:  UFT automatically uses this, UFT waits for an object to load before running a step in the test.

Sync:  We have used it for Browser and Page synchronization. 

3. An  Object is not identified by QTP, How much time does QTP wait.....?

This is dependent on how many seconds are specified in Object Synchronization TimeOut at File-->Settings--->Run--->Object Synchronization Timeout.

By default QTP waits for 20 seconds.

4. Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebButton("Login").Exist(10) In this statement the Button "Login" is not identified. How much time does QTP wiats ....?

This is waits for 10 seconds, When QTP is checking for an object using "exist" property, it will not consider object synchronization timeout..

5. What is the difference between Wait and WaitProperty ......?

Wait is mandatory and WaitProperty is Optional.

When Wait(10) is used, the test should wait for 10 seconds where as 10 seconds is optional for WaitProperty because this statement waits for a property value to be matched. Whenever the property value matches with in the specified timeout, the test will not wait for complete time.

6. What is the difference between Exist and WaitProperty ...?

These two are optional waits and the way how we use these two are different. The exist is applied to see the object existence, where as WaitProperty is to wait for a property of an existing object.

7. When to use Wait Property ...?

Wait property is useful when there is a need to wait for a property value of an object.

Ex: A status message to appear on an object, for a button to become enabled.

8. When to use Wait  ... ?

Wait statement is useful in some of the situation where we are not waiting for any object property/Object. But we are waiting for data.

Ex: After selecting a country in country list box, we might need to wait for some fixed time to load the states in states list box.

9. When to use Exist ...?

Exist is useful when we want to wait for a Window/Dialog/Object existence.

10. What is Object Synchronization Time Out ...?

QTP automatically uses this. QTP waits for an object to load before running a step in the test. This can be configured at File-->Settings-->Run--->Object Synchronization Timeout.

11. What is the maximum timeout for Object Synchronization Time Out ...?

1000 seconds.

12. What is Browser Navigation Timeout ....?

UFT automatically uses this. UFT waits for a webpage to load before running a step in the test. This can be configured at File-->Settings-->Web-->Browser Navigation Timeout.

13. I clicked on a link. What Synchronization technique is to be used to wait for loading the Page ..?

Sync  is useful in such situation because the page will get navigated when clicked on link .

14. In the Result Page, the Synchronization Point Result shows a warning . What does it mean ...?

This means that the synchronization point has reached the timeout and the property value has not matched.

15. What is ReadyState native property of a browser ...?

ReadyState is a native property for browser to tell the status of the browser navigation. This property contains any of the values from 0 to 4. Each value has a different meaning.

ReadyState=0 {Just initialized}
ReadyState=1 {Object currently loading its properties}
ReadyState=2 {Object was initialized}
ReadyState=3 {Object is interactive, but not all its data is available}
ReadyState=4 {Object has received all its data}

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